Thursday, November 30, 2006

Day 3 of Mostly Green Smoothies

Guess you noticed I changed the title? OK. So I wanted to add some substance yesterday. That's ok! This is my thing, right! It's your thing, too. Do what you want!

113.5 lbs. Same as yesterday. So I didn't lose. Maybe the tahini and pecans? Who knows? Its ok. Foot is worse. Hurts in another areas now. Will add in meditation, relaxation and enjoyment today. Will try different healing methods on it. Will let you know what I do and what works.

Very positive. Very optimistic. Energy is good. I popped out of bed and 5:45 and am looking forward to today. Yes, this is a little different than usual.

7:16 Ok. Not hungry but ate a banana sandwich. Banana wrapped in 2 large Romaine leaves. (Thank you Nanners! Very tasty.

First smoothie at 8:00. Honeydew, kale, and mint.

Later, honeydew, persimmon, kale and Schulze's Superfoods.

Had a salad for lunch. Awesome. How could I not like to eat raw? It was just lettuce, tomatoes, green onions, olive oil, lemon juice, ground almonds and a touch of raw honey. So good!

For dinner, another salad, equally good. Spinach, mushrooms, red onion, cuke, with tahini miso dressing. (Note to self: Self, stay away from miso for a while. Makes your eyes puffy the next morning. I'm sorry, kidneys.)

I found a cure for not eating after dinner. (Although its ok if I wanted to, mind you.) Synergy tea. (Kombucha with fruit puree.) I know all the ingredients are not raw and healthy by themselves but the name Synergy is true. It really is what my body seems to need right now.

Didn't sleep too well. (Too much salt?)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Day 2 of the Green Smoothies

Weight -- 113.5 -- That's 3 pounds lost since yesterday. Hard to believe because I felt like I pigged out yesterday! I was extremely satisfied with my smoothies and even ate lots of dates which are high in calories!

Symptoms today -- Spacey. Woops. I hope not from too much sugar yesterday. On a scale of 1 - 5 with 5 being the worst, my hurt foot and knee both went down from a 4 to a 3 from yesterday to today.

7:50 --Kale, blackberries, granny smith apple, stevia

2 Triphala Internal Cleanser tablets -- Thought I'd help the detox if that's why the spaciness is coming up.

9:45 -- Kale, honeydew & added some of Schulze's Super Foods powder (yes, its raw vegan) to one glassful. I felt I needed it. Very satisfied.

Spaciness not so bad AND I'm keeping my mind occupied so I won't obcess too much about it.

I had two more smoothies plus a salad for lunch but everything has been raw vegan. The only oil I've had was some raw tahini in my salad dressing.

I decided to have cauliflower mashed potatoes (w/soaked pecans). Sharp pain in stomach! Note to self: Try to avoid large quantity of nuts and seeds for a while.

Symptoms today: Spaciness went away but my usual ADD kept cropping up. Like going to get something and saying "Duh. What am I looking for?" Pains not gone but not worse either. Not really as relaxed and meditative as I'd like to be.

Thank you for raw foods! Thank you for this body! Thank you for my life! Thank you for the people in my life!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Day 1 of a Green Smoothie Trial

I'm calling this a trial because I don't want to say fast. Its time to see if this stuff is really what its cracked up to be. And I'm using this blob so I can refer people to read this when they take a look at me and see how much I've changed. I keep coming back to raw vegan and green smoothies even though its so darn hard socially. My body is soooo satisfied after I drink one and I certainly can't say that for most of the food I eat.

My goal is not 100% green smoothies but mostly green smoothies plus fruit. Some people were doing cleanses of 5 to 7 days. I'm going to see long I can go. I'm getting ideas from Green for Life and Green Revolution Recipe Guide plus what is at the market, grocery store, and in the fridge.

Day 1 --

Symptoms: I have a knee that hurts, a foot that hurts, shoulder blade knots, and have gained 6 pounds since I ran a half marathon about a month ago. I'm ready to be younger. I weigh 116.5 pounds. I also have hair that seems to be falling out and that is due for a color reversal (from gray to brunette). I have been experiencing incontinence -- not too bad but enough that I have to find all the bathrooms every where I go. I would like a better mental focus, more energy, higher libido, and just to be younger.

I know it can happen -- I'm just waiting for it to so I can write it here and prove it to myself and others.

Here are the times and ingredients of the smoothies I ate. At 1:30 it was raw whole fruit because I was out running errands and didn't have a way to make a smoothie.

10:30 a.m. -- spring mix greens, frozen banana, mango smoothie

1:30 -- 2 bananas, 1 persimmon

4:50 -- arugula, spring mix greens, romaine, banana, orange, grapes

a few dates

7:30 -- blueberries, celery, dates, bananas
Could only eat half of it.

Symptoms: My eyes are a little mucousy. I want to go to bed early but overall my energy was pretty good today.

Thanks for the ability to have a blog. Thanks for wholesome food. And thanks for this life.