Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Day 1 of a Green Smoothie Trial

I'm calling this a trial because I don't want to say fast. Its time to see if this stuff is really what its cracked up to be. And I'm using this blob so I can refer people to read this when they take a look at me and see how much I've changed. I keep coming back to raw vegan and green smoothies even though its so darn hard socially. My body is soooo satisfied after I drink one and I certainly can't say that for most of the food I eat.

My goal is not 100% green smoothies but mostly green smoothies plus fruit. Some people were doing cleanses of 5 to 7 days. I'm going to see long I can go. I'm getting ideas from Green for Life and Green Revolution Recipe Guide plus what is at the market, grocery store, and in the fridge.

Day 1 --

Symptoms: I have a knee that hurts, a foot that hurts, shoulder blade knots, and have gained 6 pounds since I ran a half marathon about a month ago. I'm ready to be younger. I weigh 116.5 pounds. I also have hair that seems to be falling out and that is due for a color reversal (from gray to brunette). I have been experiencing incontinence -- not too bad but enough that I have to find all the bathrooms every where I go. I would like a better mental focus, more energy, higher libido, and just to be younger.

I know it can happen -- I'm just waiting for it to so I can write it here and prove it to myself and others.

Here are the times and ingredients of the smoothies I ate. At 1:30 it was raw whole fruit because I was out running errands and didn't have a way to make a smoothie.

10:30 a.m. -- spring mix greens, frozen banana, mango smoothie

1:30 -- 2 bananas, 1 persimmon

4:50 -- arugula, spring mix greens, romaine, banana, orange, grapes

a few dates

7:30 -- blueberries, celery, dates, bananas
Could only eat half of it.

Symptoms: My eyes are a little mucousy. I want to go to bed early but overall my energy was pretty good today.

Thanks for the ability to have a blog. Thanks for wholesome food. And thanks for this life.

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